Tag Archives: std::async


No intro for this one, it’s too late.

Here’s the code:

extern boost::asio::io_service s_io_service;

namespace silk
    template<typename F> auto async(F f) -> boost::unique_future<decltype(f())>
        typedef decltype(f()) result_type;
        typedef boost::packaged_task<result_type> packaged_task;
        auto task = std::make_shared<packaged_task>(std::move(f));
        boost::unique_future<result_type> future = task->get_future();
        s_io_service.post(boost::bind(&packaged_task::operator(), task));
        return future;

It’s std::async replacement that uses a boost::asio::io_service as a dispatcher.

I use it for any operation that might take too long and it’s in the middle of my control loop – like saving new PIDs to disk ot the battery state.

Usage is pretty simple – pass a lambda and that lambda will be executed some time later from the thread that is doing the io_service::run()



    autojsoncxx::to_pretty_json_file("battery_state.cfg", m_saved_state);
    QLOGI("Capacity used: {}mAh", m_capacity_used_mah);

The function returns a boost::future so the result of the lambda can be pooled for.

I like the async ways. The future/promise mechanism is a very elegant way to express computations. It reminds me a bit of the Haskell’s lazyness.